The road to the cottage

Thursday, 25 November 2010

NYE Music

Down the pub the other night ... for New Year's Eve everyone has to choose three songs that they want to hear during the evening - these will be put on a CD and sold with the profits going to charity.  Everyone managed to write down their songs in a twinkling of an eye - not me!  My favourites?  Popular? Susan Boyle?  (no that is a joke).  Not classic that's for sure, probably not jazz either, rather a few wrote down their football team's song ...

Suggestions on a postcard please.

It was a glorious albeit freezing day down here and whilst out shopping this afternoon I saw lorries full of salt - nothing going on the roads though.  Perhaps they were off to Bodmin Moor.  I have just found my electric blanket so it in on the bed, plugged in and it will be warmer than sitting here!  Bonne nuit!


  1. um..
    the largo from Handel's Xerxes
    I can't get no satisfaction ..the Rolling Stones
    I canna get to my love if I would die...

  2. Put on the spot I can't think of any either. Actually, off the spot I'm not too sure I can come up with much. I usually hear something and go 'oh yes, I like that' but ask me to think of it off the top and I'll standing around for ages.

    Not sure I'd want a CD with a bunch of other peoples' favourites, especially footie songs. I'd rather just give some money to charity. Collecting yet more stuff for charity has limited appeal. I try to get rid of stuff, not accumulate it.


Comments please! Don't be aggressive - I will edit it out!